Michael Moore starts his article by revolting young people. He says he was inspired by them, and since they are oppressed, he will give them the freedom of speech. By his "High School Newspaper."
Although I never really had the urge or the opportunity to write something that would adults severly dislike and be censored. But I didn't think the world was perfect; I believed it should be changed, but never thought I should go to the streets and yell at the president or write something aggressive in my blog. Therefore, I really never felt that the need for the freedom of expression is desperate, because it kind of is already free to express oneself, and I never tried to cross the line.
However I did feel that censorship in Korea had problems when I was listening to music. Some songs are censored for no reason, and many songs are prohibited from being played on television shows for proposterous reasons. And although the government is not restricting everything, it does, certainly, give a message that they're doing a good job. And I agree that many teenagers might have been encouraged to "shut up and study."
Not actually a restriction, but a discouragement. Michael Moore is not neutral nor very logical but he still has a point. He said he heard many students couldn't publish articles they want at schools, and he's making a newspaper what those things don't happen. Sure, we're not living in the Dark Ages, but I don't see any reason to discourage this "High School Newspaper." More freedom. It's what we always need. It wouldn't hurt to make one.
1. THB that teenagers should have the right to vote.
2. THB that the ideal way of running a country is a direct democracy like Switzerland.
3. THB that books should be censored, making some books inaccessible to children and teenagers.
Interesting observations, and at first I thought you were implying that Moore was creating a mountain out of a molehill. I don't think American teenagers are oppressed by any means, but it does change from state to state and school to school. In many cases, teens could use a bit MORE oppression. So while Moore is doing a good thing, I don't think he's inventing the wheel or freeing slaves.
답글삭제I like the first motion, but "teenagers" is a relative term. When is a teen a teen? In Canada we can vote when we are eighteen, but not thirteen. In Korea? Does the ability to vote have to based on age? Maybe only "smart" people should be allowed to vote? Interesting motions. Number three reminds me of the controversy surrounding Huck Finn. Maybe we should debate that.
Also - you write well and have good grammar. But try to check things over before posting, as there are some glaring mistakes up there that you know are there if you look. Some incomplete sentences to.
답글삭제hmm, maybe I should change the motion teen to 13.
답글삭제I'm sorry, and I'll check my mistakes from now on.